In 2000, Dr. Kolev was assigned to a clinic in the Roma District of Nadezhda. A nurse was also assigned. The clinic building was a small
approximately 8'x10' shack. Shortly after opening Grace Academy I in Nadezhda, members of a team went to visit Dr. Kolev to see if a relationship could be developed so he would know about the school and
treat the needs of the children. A small financial donation was given to him and his nurse. At that time Dr. Kolev made the equivalent of $75 USD a month.
Zhadravka Gardeva was a internal specialist medical doctor for many years while the Bulgarian government was under Communist rule. Her mother was a prayer warrior whose apartment was a haven of prayer. The church her husband pastored in Kazanlak, Bulgaria, survived the government pressure with only a few members.
GMS is committed to providing health to the whole person, spirit, soul and body. This can be seen in our support of medical clinics in both Nadezshda dn Kolyanova. These clinics provide health care services to over 30,000 people. Most of whom are minorities, orphans and widows. Without these services many would go without any healthcare. GMS supports medical clinics as a sincere effort to bring healing to the whole person.